Brushing off threats of increasing sanctions by the west and its allies, Iranian President Mahmound Ima-dinner-jacket vowed today to press…
Author: DocHopper

Holy Bile: Good Book for the Age of Nutbaggery
Having thrown in the towel when it comes to actually living according to the teachings of the Bible, the Right Wing …

Teabaggers Blow off Steam
Saturday, September 12, for those of you who don’t know, was Glenn Beck’s “Day After 9/11 Grass Roots Rally of…

The Age of Stoopud
You can lead a horse to water but when you get there he’s still a horse. Or is he? Maybe…

White House Occupied by a Foreign Born Enigma
Like fingernails on a blackboard, the screeching at townhalls across the US has reached an earsplitting volume. With the passing…

Do You Speak Time/Warner?
Do you have Time Warner Cable? I do. I used to have Adelphia but the family that owned the system…

Obama Orders Soylent Green Program
Forget about Socialized Medicine, Kenyan imposter Barrack Hussein Obama is now ordering that all white American citizens turn in their elderly…

Cash for Soiled Underwear
In another step calculated to move the ailing economy along, the Obama administration today announced the “Cash for Stinkers” program.…

GOP: Healthcare Not for the Unhealthy
Appearing at the GOP’s weekly “No On Everything” meeting, House Minority Leader John Boehner (pronounced BONER) spoke out against the…

It’s Palin / Prejean in 2012!
In the midst of her “I’m No Quitter – Prove It” tour, Sarah Palin took time out on Friday to announce…