It’s Palin / Prejean in 2012!

sarah-palin-blows-kissIn the midst of her “I’m No Quitter – Prove It”  tour, Sarah Palin took time out on Friday to announce her plans for the future. “I asked you all here today to make an announcement”, said the former governor/mayor /pagent queen, speaking at the Moose Hump bingo parlor in Yakutat, Alaska, before dozens of onlookers. “By now you’ve all heard that I didn’t get to be vice president of Alaska and also the other states as well. And I can tell ya that the reason was because of my running mate, John McCain, who proved himself to be a quitter on election night last year. He conceded just as we were about to win in a turn around landslide, let me tell ya, and the rest as we say up here, is history. So I asked myself, I said ‘Sarah, do you want to continue going on with being a governor’ and I said, thanks but no thanks. So I’m writin’ a book about my fishing  experiences and I’m also going to run for president the next time there’s an election goin’ on. Well, I know you’re all wondering if John McCain will want to be vice president which is a question which bottles the mind. In other words, it’s mind bottling because John is an old misguided missile. I want to share the oval office of president with someone more of my intellect caliber, someone who shares my views and my dress size. Carrie Prejean, the former Miss California, is someone who fits with the formal and the ladder. She understands what it’s like to be shoulder to shoulder with a much older man who weighs us down like an anchor on a rowboat, such as John McCain and Donald Trump. Although she lives in California, her knowledge of foreign lands goes much further, even including places like Wisconsin and Fargo North Carolina where that evil Kim Jung whatever lives with his pompadour and atomic missiles. That he also launches. Carrie and I are a compliment to each other. What I don’t know she has no idea about and this is called sympathetic vibration, something that even Todd doesn’t lack. That’s Todd the husband not  Todd Rundgren the music makin’ guy. So there ya have it in a nutbag, it’s me and Carrie in ….. the next election, whenever that is. Vote for us like you mean business and so do I!”

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