NASA’s head, Charles Bolden, announced Wednesday a plan to return to the moon despite severe budget cuts to his agency.…
Author: DocHopper

Democracy Going Out of Business Sale
Speaking before a room packed with reporters and legal scholars, Chief Justice John Roberts sought to give some perspective to…

Paranormal Activity?
I’m still kicking myself for the fee I paid at Hollywood Video for renting this snooze fest. There was a…

World Religions Rage Against Upstart Cult
Muslim, Christian and Jewish leaders met Wednesday in Las Vegas to plot a strategy against the newest belief system sweeping the…

“The Earth is Flat”, says Fox News Newbie
Beginning her latest career, this time as a pundit on Fox News, ex-governor Sarah Palin wowed credulous Fox viewers Monday…

Carrie Prejean Gets Product Endorsement Spot
Carrie Prejean, failed Miss America-almost-winner and solo porn video star has outdone herself again. There were those who had doubts…

Health Insurance Industry Outraged
News from the government that 45,000 people die in the U.S. every year because they don’t have health insurance has…

Obama Lays Out Afghanistan Strategy
In a nationally broadcast speech from West Point, President Obama last night revealed his plan for success in Afghanistan. “We’re…

Haunted House Flashlights
So there’s the young woman, scantily clad in her nightie, heart pounding, one hand to her mouth to stifle the…

Gitmo Terrorists Moving to America’s Heartland
Pressing ahead with their Marxist-Socialist agenda, the Democrat Party today rammed through legislation calling for the importation of dangerous Islamic…