Bank of America has announced a host of new charges for debit and credit card customers that will go into…
Author: DocHopper

Lion King-BW
Coming on the heels of its success with a re-release of Lion King in 3D, Disney announced today another…

Charlie Sheen Proposes “Winner” Middle East Solution
“It’s so simple, I don’t know why no one has thought of this before. Maybe because they don’t have my…

Family Reunion with Dead Gramps this Thanksgiving
Death need not be a somber occasion these days. Funerals don’t have to be filled with sobbing and rubbing elbows…

Tea Party Sees Reverse Immigration as Threat to Economy
With the US economy rapidly coming to resemble that of a third world country, Republicans in the House of Representatives…

Debt Ceiling? Obama Makes Stunning Proposal
Seeking a solution to the default crisis looming on the horizon, President Obama offered a striking proposal during another debt…

TSA Defends Security Procedures
When passengers aboard Virgin America Flight 415 began complaining about the noxious body odor of a sleeping passenger, flight attendants…

Bin Laden Location Old News, says Former President
Following President Obama’s announcement last night that Osama bin Laden had been killed by special forces in Pakistan, a clearly…

Wake Up When YOU Are Ready!
Who among us hasn’t been jarred awake by that irritating buzz or jangle of the bedside alarm clock? What an…

FlatPak: Innovation for the 21st Century
We’ve all experienced the dilemma. You want to hit the street for that five mile run but there just isn’t…