For the limited edition California driver license for the “undocumented driver” the Feds insisted that this phrase be added: “This…
Political Commentary

Egg Beater Defense Rejected in Arkansas Shooting
Teens messing with teens ended up as a tragedy in Little Rock, Arkansas on Monday, when a 15 year old…

NRA Doing Its Part in National Disasters
“We shipped seven tons of firearms to that devastated community just this morning along with enough ammunition to satisfy the…

New Year’s Eve: Falling Bullets Don’t Kill People
The NRA has exposed another Left Wing nonsense campaign, this one designed to deprive gun owners of their right to…

Connecticut Tragedy Solves Deficit Problem
Now that we’re almost done with the burials in Connecticut it’s time to make lemonade out of the lemons dealt…

Boehner Announces GOP “Unaffordable Care Act”
First came Social Security and we fought tooth and nail. Then came Civil Rights and we raged against that. Next…

Where’s the Stool Sample!?
With only the extreme lunatic fringe (Donald Trump, Orly Taitz, Glenn Beck) clinging to the canard that President Obama…

Former Vice President Cheney Undergoes Hair Transplant
Contractors at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, DC reported last week that former Vice President Dick Cheney had shown up…

Top Lawman of Penile County Latest GOP Embarrassment
With the recent outing of Sheriff Paul Babeau, Arizona’s GOP hardbody lawman, Republicans in Congress are scrambling for funds to…

America’s Sweetheart Abandons Dream in Iowa
Standing resolutely before supporters in a teal pant suit with lavender pumps, Marcus Bachmann wept openly today as he announced…