In an attempt to compete with TVland’s newest offering, “The Cougar” (older women seeking sex with younger men) VH1 has…
Author: DocHopper

Utah to be World’s Waste Dump
Utah governor, John M. Huntsman, announced today that a deal had been reached in which his state will become the…

Neverland Garage Sale
Beseiged by creditors from all over the world, has been pop star Michael Jackson has decided to hold a garage…

Family Honor Requires Sharp Knife
Whether you’re a husband, father, brother, uncle or cousin, it’s tough being a male family member in a Muslim household.…

Dear Leader Makes Appearance
Celebrating the occasion of his election as supreme military ruler of North Korea (again) diminutive dictator Kim Jong Il made…

Glenn Beck Loses It. Again.
Mounting his rickety soapbox yet again, right wing pundit Glenn Beck has pulled out all the stops on his campaign to expose…

Obama Foreign Policy a Fantasy: Gingrich
Making the rounds of the usual TV talk shows, Newt Gingrich, former Republican House Minority Whip, blasted President Obama’s foreign…

Minnesota Recount Counted Again
Vowing to fight until he gets tired of losing, former Senator Norm Coleman told a hastily assembled group of reporters…

Recycled Beatles Tunes Again Re-Released
Just when you thought you had purchased the final re-mix of the Beatles songs, a new re-release has been issued.…

Defense Secretary Announces Weapons Cuts
Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense under George W. Bush and now President Barack Obama, today announced the most sweeping changes…