In a movie project conceived by Spike Lee and Al Sharpton, Harry Potter isn’t some faggot cracker waving a stick around, he’s a…
Author: DocHopper

Incredible Natural Magnet Found in My Bathroom
The first time it happened I thought it was sheer coincidence, like when I run out of clean underwear the…

Turd de France Winner Recalls Lunar Landing
Lance Armstrong, 7 time winner of the famed Turd de France, took time off from his vigorous training session on Thursday to…

Palin Fondles Salmon, Resigns
Speaking from the stern of her husband’s fishing boat, the Wingnut, former V.P. hopeful Sarah Palin addressed a select group…

Michael Jackson Cancels Concert Tour
World media were stunned to learn on Thursday that Michael Jackson has cancelled his upcoming “This is Nuts” concert tour,…

Governor Sanford Caught with Argentine Honey Dew
“I was looking for something exotic.” So began the press conference hastily called by Republican Governor Mark Sanford of South…

U.S. Missile Defense Ready? Not So Much.
In the wake of claims from North Korea that its latest missile test would see a long range Taepodong weapon…

Victims of Glandular Dysfunction Cheered by 100,000
In an amazing outpouring of sympathy, an estimated 100,000 people filled the L.A. Coliseum and surrounding streets yesterday to show their…

Letterman Appologizes to Palin Family
In what may be a first for a late night comedian, David Letterman paused during his monologue last night to…

Israel Ready for Two State Solution
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking on Israel National Radio, today confirmed his decision to cooperate in the founding of a…