Letterman Appologizes to Palin Family

palin-daughter-babyIn what may be a first for a late night comedian, David Letterman paused during his monologue last night to issue an apology to Sarah Palin and her family following a storm of controversy over a joke he told last week. In that joke, which addressed an appearance by Sarah Palin and her daughter at a Yankees baseball game, Letterman had suggested that Yankees team member Alex Rodriguez had a bigger penis than Todd Palin, and had compared a peanut to a cucumber in the telling of the joke. The following morning Sarah Palin had appeared on several television talk shows to decry Letterman’s poor taste. “My daughter, Nerf Ball, was sittin’ right there, you know, when the joke was told on the TV and she hollered out to her big sister Sprockett to come and see. Also too, of course, out came Todd with our daughter Areola and  holding baby Bilge Pump in his arms”. On The View, Mrs. Palin displayed a photo of a peanut lying next to a cucumber and described what happened next. “Golly, it was embarrassing you know, because right there in front of the whole family I had to go and explain the joke to Todd over and over again. See, he’s from Alaska as am I, too, and therefore not the sharpest hammer in the tool bag. And as well, Sprockett kept asking how come David Letterman knew about her dad’s penis which she said in her opinion was  ‘nothing to sneeze at’, and Todd, ya know, he kept shushing her and talking in some foreign language saying, ‘Ix-nay on the E-nis-pay’, so I’m right away thinking he’s speaking in tongues ya see, like as if in possession by Satan and such not. And now this comedian feller Letterman says he’s sorry for having said what he was saying, and I’m thinking to myself, ‘hey, so what, I get to be on the TV again and I don’t have to embarrass myself like that tarty little trollop such as that Miss California, and isn’t that better than a fart in the bunkhouse?”

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