Tipping his hand just a bit, investigative reporter Seymour Hirsch has been quoted musing about something called, the “Executive Assassination Squad”…
Author: DocHopper

Gran Torino
Remember what they said about the Ford Pinto? If you slammed it in the ass it would explode. Well, there…

Rental Video Update
Another category to avoid: any movie that stars, co-stars or even has a cameo by Edward Furlong. Pet Semetary II? The Covenant?…

Earmarks: Good vs Bad
Apparently, if Republican Lindsey Graham is to be believed, earmarks in the Omnibus Spending Bill are terrible things that waste taxpayer money.…

A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men

The Rocker
Okay, so one day actor Rainn Wilson is shaving and while doing so bugs out his eyes in the mirror.…

Rental Warnings
When browsing in Hollywood Video or Blockbuster, it’s useful to be able to immediately discard titles that might leap out…

Sworn Testimony
Testifying before Congress, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller explains that President Bush’s head, unlike the heads of other…

Excuses are like Assholes
Since everybody has ONE… do we really need TWO?

Bush Bugs
Saudi King Abdullah checks President Bush for head lice before allowing him into the palace.