Willie Steadman, 26, was arrested Thursday night after a shooting in what police in Stanford, Florida are calling a “tapestry…
Author: DocHopper

Breitbart Died of Shame, says Coroner
Right wing pundits from Rush Limbaugh to Glenn Beck are mourning the loss of caustic conservative gadfly, Andrew Breitbart, who…

Top Lawman of Penile County Latest GOP Embarrassment
With the recent outing of Sheriff Paul Babeau, Arizona’s GOP hardbody lawman, Republicans in Congress are scrambling for funds to…

Virginia House of Delgates Passes Dildo Initiative
The State of Virginia has just passed the most sweeping anti-abortion legislation in the country. Known as the Dildo…

America’s Sweetheart Abandons Dream in Iowa
Standing resolutely before supporters in a teal pant suit with lavender pumps, Marcus Bachmann wept openly today as he announced…

Dear Leader Died During Trombone Symphony, Says North Korea
Listening sites around the world have been monitoring radio traffic inside the borders of secretive North Korea since the announcement…

Frankly, Only the Executive Branch Needed, says Gingrich
Pulling ahead of the pack in the Right Wing race to be the most outrageous GOP candidate in history, Newt…

Big Oil to America: Frack Off!
“Here we go again”, said Speaker of the House John Boehner, taking a moment from his his weekly summation of…

Penn State Forced to Change Name to Penn-a-trate U
In a move to head off further public outrage and ridicule, it was reported that Penn State has agreed as…

GOP Hopefuls’ Bitefest 2012
“Gonna melt it down to add 999 miles to the border fence,” was the answer given by GOP presidential hopeful…