NRA Expresses Outrage Over San Bernardino Murders in California



Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s Executive vice president and CEO has made a statement in the wake of the tragic shooting yesterday in San Bernardino, California.

“We here at the National Rifle Association are sick and tired of these weekly murder sprees in America being called “mass shootings”. The term is pejorative and implies that the victims were killed by guns. As we all know, guns don’t kill people; people kill people.

250 people die when a commercial jet slams into the ground, and right away the airplane gets blamed as the liberal media labels the event a “plane crash”. The victims weren’t killed by the plane, they were killed by falling 30,000 feet and then stopping suddenly.

A loudmouthed wife gets her head pounded flat by an abusive husband, we don’t blame the hammer he used, right?  Mother of Three Murdered by Hammer” is not a headline we’re likely to see. What are the cops gonna do, arrest the hammer?

I think you see where I’m going here. We need a new more politically correct term for events where people die and someone at the event just happened to be shooting a gun.

One of the terms suggested by a staffer is, “Mass Extinction at the hands of another.”

Or, “Multiple Deaths Precipitated by a Disgruntled Person.”

Naturally, we’re leaving some leeway in the event that Muslims are involved. We have no problem with something like “Islamist Killer Scores 72 Virgins in Heaven”. But again …. no mention of guns should be made, as that gets Obama muttering about gun control, which inflames the Christian militias, which inevitably sends one of their more unbalanced rednecks into a shopping mall carrying “a tool made perfectly legal by the Second Amendment.”

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