John Boehner (pronounced BONER) the House Minority leader, standing before a mock up of a 19th century outhouse, continued today…
Political Commentary
America’s War Criminals on the Lam
The world has become a smaller place this week for several figures in the former Bush administration implicated in inventing legal justification…
Michael Steele Channels Inspector Clouseau
Shrugging off critics who say that he should keep his big pie hole shut, Chairman of the Republican National Committee…
Pakistan No Longer an Issue: Obama
Speaking at his second press conference since taking office two months ago, President Obama stunned the assembled world wide media…
Congeressional Bra Busters
Has anyone else noticed that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has really big tits?
Dick Cheney’s Death Squad
Tipping his hand just a bit, investigative reporter Seymour Hirsch has been quoted musing about something called, the “Executive Assassination Squad”…
Earmarks: Good vs Bad
Apparently, if Republican Lindsey Graham is to be believed, earmarks in the Omnibus Spending Bill are terrible things that waste taxpayer money.…