GOP Plops Out Alternative Budget

outhouseJohn Boehner (pronounced BONER) the House Minority leader, standing before a mock up of a 19th century outhouse, continued today to hammer away at President Obama’s stimulus bill. “Our alternative budget proposal firmly establishes the wisdom of traditional ‘trickle down economics’,” said the GOP spokesman, his sprayed on tan showing uneven streaks under the glare of media spotlights. “Think of the taxpayers of this great nation as huddled at the bottom of a deep pit. Now picture someone like Warren Buffet, his pants down around his ankles and his butt  firmly planted in the hole over the pit, being fed a hearty diet of tax breaks and corporate welfare”.  He paused to blot some sweat (and tan) from his brow before continuing. “Now sooner or later, those butt cheeks are going to open up and send some of that digested government largesse tumbling down to the grateful, ignorant masses gathered below, Republican and Democrat alike. It’s inevitable. Everything coming out of the ass end of the upper class trickles down to the lower class, it’s gravity and more importantly it’s God’s will, in Jesus’ name I pray. Investing billions in jobs and infrastructure is wasting money; it’s like building a ladder and putting it down that pit. Who knows what’s likely to climb out?”

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