Citing precedent in which Mohammed himself had taken a child as a wife, a 58 year old Saudi Arabian businessman…
Author: DocHopper

Phil Spector Switches to Democrat: Limbaugh
Throwing any semblance of decorum overboard, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh today blasted the GOP for allowing one its…

Mormon Calendar Delights and Offends
Where’s the beef? Well, these days it’s apt to be in the Mormon Church where an upstart member named Chad Hardy…

Swine Flu Hogging the Spotlight
Mexico’s violent drug gangs are scratching their heads these days, trying to figure out what happened to all the really…

Pontiff Raises Eyebrows with Canonizations
Pope Benedict XVI named five new saints today, but in a break with tradition, joined with new Vatican sponsor, the…

Supreme Court Embraces Mother May I Rule
Conservative lawmakers were outraged Monday when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that police are basically handcuffed when it comes…

Paraguay’s President Concedes Sexual Escapades
Fernando Lugo, president of Paraguay, was forced last week to admit fathering the baby of a 16 year old parishioner while…

God Hates Fags and Newport Beach
Corona Del Mar High School in Newport Beach, California, is hosting an out of state religious group and at the…

Brother Avenges Raped Sister
Okay, you’re a young man living in Iraq where home mail delivery is a bit spotty these days, so you…

Torture a Blessing says Cheney
Fresh from his latest undisclosed location, former VP Dick Cheney appeared on Fox News Sunday to pillory President Obama for…