Trump Bankrolls Movie about WWII Losers

Before his disparaging comments about veterans became public, Donald Trump was bankrolling the remake of the 1968 war / action movie “The Devil’s Brigade.”
As he explained to Billy Bush on that unfortunate Hollywood Access “pussy grabbing” tape,

“It’s about losers. I’m calling it “The Losers Brigade.” It happens in World War 2 after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor. There’s a dangerous suicide mission that the Army wants done, but everybody they ask either comes down with bone spurs, or is helping their dads collect rent in his New York slums.

They finally go to a military prison where they order a bunch of low lifes to eat all their vegetables or join their brigade, leaving them no choice, by the way.
The first part is about getting the losers to work together. The general gets up in front of them and says, ‘you’re a bunch of losers.’
One of the men, who has an amazing head of hair, stands up to the general and sues him. He gets sent home with $400 million dollars and becomes a self made man living in a tower with more floors than it actually has.

The rest get shipped off to Kenosha, Wisconsin where they attack a robot factory that manufactures Democrats. In the final scene, the team busts in on Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi singing together in a karaoke bar to a bunch of losers following Taylor Swift on twitter. Kanye West, the only Black on the Loser Brigade, rushes the stage and grabs the microphone. The End.”

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