Fox News Periodic Table Part 2



An arrogant, feckless thug; a Christian/Muslim hybrid of unknown origin who embraces communism/socialism/capitalism and community organizing. Elected by a landslide of unprecedented voter fraud (black people voting) Obama has rendered the oval office uninhabitable by the next (white) guy. At the very least all the toilet seats will have to changed.


A taxpayer funded system of granting free healthcare to illegal immigrants while providing death panels to US born senior citizens.

Also known as the Health Care Reform Act, this legislation was conceived in the hallways of abortion providers and Negro dice parlors. It takes the sensible model of delivering health care to those who can afford it and turns it on its head. Under Obamacare, every American is entitled to health coverage whether they can afford it or not. This insane policy puts a ghetto child on equal footing with the offspring of a Wall Street broker.

Federal Gummint:

A taxpayer based system in Washington DC designed to separate white people from their hard earned money and give it to dark people in a scheme called “redistribution.” The Gummint consists of four branches: House, Senate, Executive and Lobbyist.


A country in the Middle East set aside for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which must be defended at all costs from the jabbering dark skinned hordes surrounding it so that Our Savior can touch down on the Temple Mount and launch Armageddon.

Global Warming:

A fantastic hoax originated by Al Gore and NPR to reduce American competitiveness and inflate sales of sun dials made from hemp.


a country whose aim to destroy America was thwarted by the fast thinking cowboy president from Crawford, Texas, George W Bush. His conquest of Saddam Hussein took six weeks, was paid for by Iraqi oil revenue and installed a western style democracy in the Middle East that has enjoyed peace and prosperity since 2003. Can you imagine what George could have done if he’d been sober?


dark skinned inhabitants of countries south of Texas and Arizona who swarm across our borders to get welfare and free healthcare, while reproducing like rabbits. These lazy parasites remain in the shadows collecting food stamps and doing nothing but copulating yet somehow manage to steal American jobs at the same time. Go figure.

Rush Limbaugh:

A plus sized prescient, god-like figure whose guidance and wisdom has been relied upon by Republicans for a generation. He has never been a drug addicted, serial philandering, morbidly obese gasbag as alleged by liberal America haters.


Blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean, Hurricane Katrina caused massive devastation to Louisiana, whose Democratic governor had ignored the prescient warnings and pleas of the Bush administration to take prompt action days ahead of the storm. As the levees failed in New Orleans, putting lower lying sections of the city under water, Democratic Mayor Ray Nagen blocked access to a convoy of buses that could have saved many lives of poor black citizens, instead herding them into the Louisiana Super Dome to be eaten by rats and badgers. Somehow, the liberals managed to turn this Democratic debacle around to make Bush the villain when, in actuality, he was far away on vacation and stayed there throughout the event.




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