Brushing off threats of increasing sanctions by the west and its allies, Iranian President Mahmound Ima-dinner-jacket vowed today to press forward with Iran’s missile and uranium enrichment programs. Using the occasion of Iran’s unexpected announcement of a heretofore secret nuclear facility 130 km from Tehran, the bombastic chief executive unveiled Iran’s new XX23 Ghabel na-dareh land based missile, known locally as The Prophet’s Big One. “We are not cowed by threats and bullying,” said Ima-dinner-jacket, speaking before the UN General Assembly on Monday, “ours is a holy cause and a matter of national pride. Our dedicated scientists have come up with a weapon more robust than those of the infidel nations. Yours may be longer but ours has a larger circumference and that’s what really counts.”
Outside the UN building protestors struggled against a police line intent on keeping them from the building entrance. In the crowd, Omnali Mahmoumna, an Iranian with American citizenship, paused to answer questions posed by nearby reporters. “With respect to my native country’s offensive capabilities I do agree that size matters, she said, holding a sign depicting The Prophet’s Big One, “but the leaders of Iran are wrong if they think the world will simply lie back and submit meekly to the forced insertion of The Big One into the current dialogue. Even as we speak, Israel is making plans to thwart Iran’s ongoing projectile dysfunction and I fear the well being of my relatives and friends back home”.
Meanwhile, newscasts on Iran’s domestic television stations continued to focus on the ability of the Iranian military to easily manuever The Big One through Israel’s front line defenses or with slight repositioning, through its unprotected rear end near Gaza.
Iran Flaunts Latest Long Range Missile