Forget about Socialized Medicine, Kenyan imposter Barrack Hussein Obama is now ordering that all white American citizens turn in their elderly relatives to the government in order to be ground up and turned into meat patties to feed illegal aliens. Patriotic Americans all over the nation are turning out in record numbers at town hall meetings to rail against this latest outrage by our illegitimate president. Speaking from the Oval Office and flanked by the Reverend Al Sharpton and Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, the Prince of Darkness announced that participation in the program will be mandatory and will begin on December 12 which not so coincidentally is Jamhuri Day (independence day) in Kenya. “United Nations troops will be coming to your door in the near future, sneered Obama, as he fondled a terrified white woman bound to an inverted wooden cross, they will be collecting your guns and tallying the number of elderly in your household.” He went on to explain that the number of brown skinned illegals will increase dramatically once the Mexico / Los Angeles bullet train is completed using taxpayer stimulus funds. “Now that I have Sonia Sotamoyer on the Supreme Court nothing can stand in my way”, gloated the half breed potentate who then stood and led his cabal in a resonant chant of “yes we can, yes we can” before television screens across the country faded to black.