Throwing any semblance of decorum overboard, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh today blasted the GOP for allowing one its longest serving members to escape the dungeon of the Republican right wing and declare himself a Democrat. “My friends, roared the GOP water carrier, democracy is about doing the Right thing and this is obviously not the Right thing.” A series of low frequency thumps accompanied the Great One’s screed over the airwaves as his ham sized fists pounded the table in his studio. “Norm Coleman refusing to concede defeat to that degenerate Al Franken in the Minnesota race, that’s a Right thing. Refusing to admit that Ann Coulter is a transgender dude, that’s a Right thing. Ignoring in-your-face evidence that I am a fat, drug addled gasbag, that is definitely a Right thing. But allowing the Democrat Party to gain another seat in the senate by letting Senator Phil Spector slip through its fingers and join the leftie – pinko – communist – facist -socialist party is treason on the part of the GOP, my friends, treason!” Limbaugh then took a phone call from a listener. “My phone lines are jammed, crowed Rush, let’s hear from David in Reno, Nevada. David you’re on with Rush, please go ahead.” A blast of static, and then, “Rush you ignorant blowhole, it was ARLEN Spectre the Republican senator from Pennsylvania who switched sides, not Phil Spector!” The caller was immediately jettisoned from Limbaugh’s sound board. “That, my friends, must have been a left winger who slipped through the cracks. Everyone knows that Arlen Spectre is a point guard for the Los Angeles Lakers and isn’t even registered to vote. That caller must have been zonked on Oxycontin, take it from one who knows the symptoms!”
Phil Spector Switches to Democrat: Limbaugh