In Saudi Arabia where strict adherence to the Wahhabi form of Islam is observed, the religious police find themselves on the horns of a dilemma. In the past it has always been easy to apprehend female violators of Islamic law, because just about anything they did was illegal. Breathing deeply? Illegal. Exposing her wrists in public? Illegal. Opening her pie hole to express an opinion? Flagrantly illegal! But in the last two weeks members of the elite Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice have been thwarted in their duties by a young Saudi woman named Behariana Pessolamia, who has appeared in public, her hair uncovered, her arms bare and with male genitalia sprouting from her face. “This is unprecedented”, said Mohammed Nummalmdum, chief officer of the local branch. “We would obviously like to remove her from the street and flog her in the public square, but how can this be done if she is half of one gender and half of another?” Islamic clerics have been huddled in conference for several days searching the Koran for a possible remedy but have so far found nothing to address the issue. “The Prophet Mohammed, God be praised, is infallilble, of course, but in this case he has hidden his wisdom from us,” said Nummalmdum. In the meantime, Ms Pessolamia has been enjoying her freedom while raising the ire of tight assed Muslims in Rihadh, Saudi Arabia’s capital. “I drove a car for the first time yesterday, she said smiling, and tomorrow I may go downtown and buy an ice cream cone without a male family member present. This must be what it is like for women in America, but I have to wonder where they get their plastic penises”!
Saudi Religious Police Baffled