Roman emperor, around 300 BC, who was known for debauchery, overeating, and a fascination with urine.
A hapless, overweight, white voter, convinced that America used to be great, but is now infected with equality and reason. Trump is the cure.
Something round and squishy “I think this tomato is past its due date, it feels Trumpizoid”
An inability to say anything truthful. “I’m building a beautiful wall at the Mexican border and Mexico will pay for it.”
Where low information voters dwell. Most are white, fat, watch Fox News and are receiving some sort of government benefit.
A body condition characterized by Trump adulation and a high ratio of fat to lean, often seen in the Red states.
The states with the highest rates of obesity are:
Missouri: 30.9 percent
Iowa: 31.1 percent
Indiana: 31.4 percent
Kentucky: 31.5 percent
Alabama: 32.1 percent
Oklahoma: 32.6 percent
Arkansas: 33.0 percent
Louisiana: 33.2 percent
West Virginia: 34.3 percent
Mississippi: 35.2 percent
An infectious fervor that overtakes Trumpsters attending one of the president’s self aggrandizing rallies.
The clinical designation for an unhealthy fixation by a dad on his own daughter’s rack.
Malodorous nuggets of ignorance, usually followed by either, “believe me” or “everyone knows this”
A position without evidence taken in a disagreement : “3 million illegals voted in the 2016 election. That’s my Trumpstance and I’m sticking with it.”
A belief without basis if fact. “Democrats are socialists”. “Immigrants are criminals.” “Sharia Law is overtaking the US.”
Throwing an “alternative fact” into a discussion. Used most often to confuse your opponent in an argument. “The capital of Maryland is Mary.”
Hand gestures made during speaking, thumbs up, pointing, “perfection sign”
An operation in which damaged portions of a Trumpster’s brain are restored to rational thought. The difficulty is equal to the reversal of a lobotomy, and is rarely successful.
A skin color not seen in nature. It is thought to be the result of artificial tanning and overexposure to Sean Hannity.
I think it’s a lot of crap.