Okay, now that we know active duty Navy Seal, Joseph Schmidt, has been starring in porn videos, under the name, “Jay Vroom”, the inevitable questions are emerging.
Did Osama bin Laden hesitate to shoot during the Seal raid on his compound because he thought he was actually being confronted by American porn stars…… the Muslim version of a singing telegram perhaps? (a laptop seized in the raid contained Schmidt’s sci-fi / porn movie “Balls Deep in Uranus”)
Did Melenia Trump participate in any of the videos? Well, if she claimed the income as required by law, it would appear on the Trump tax returns, and The Donald insists that those returns must remain in the Mystery Vault, “because they’re being (ahem) audited”.
Is Ivanka Trump actually the daughter of Jay Vroom? Was she accidentally conceived during the filming of the Mar-Lago golf/porn classic “Double Bogey: Pardon my Putter”?
We’re going to have to see Ivanka’s birth certificate.
Are Donald Trump’s sons, Uday and Qusay, actually big game hunters? Or does Trump just keep them out of the country because he’s afraid we’ll discover their actual parentage, based on the size of their hands?