Now that Kentucky records clerk Kim Davis has been released from jail, she’ll be allowed to return to her tax payer funded position, supervising deputy clerks who have been instructed by the Sixth Circuit Court to ignore her instructions. “It’s tough, said Davis, but somebody has to stand up and say, I work for God, not the State of Kentucky.”
Said Councilman Dewy Stovall, “we been trying to find something for her to do in order to justify paying her salary. Problem is, everything seems to conflict with her religious beliefs, including showing up on time.” After a meeting with the entire city council, Ms Davis said that the Lord told her she might consider just sitting on her ass all day, providing the council buys her a much a wider chair for her ample Christian butt.
Note: a shoplifter in Louisville, KY has sued for his release from jail citing Ms Davis as precedent. “It’s against my religion to pay for stuff at Wal-Mart. It’s all manufactured by Chinese heathens in China-land who haven’t accepted the Lord onto their slanty eyed bosoms.”