Media representatives were falling all over each other yesterday in a scramble to come up with a suitable alternative to the name “Swine Flu” to describe the virus fueling the current pandemic. Fox Anchor, Wayne Deitrich voiced concern over the issue. “The Arabs and Jews are united for once, he said, for religious reasons neither wants to be infected with Swine Flu because swines are like pigs and all. The Germans are calling it the Mexican Disease, the Mexicans are calling it the Yankee Disease and the leftist World Health Organization is calling it Influenza A (H1-N1). Like that’s gonna catch on. We’ve been kicking around some ideas in the newsroom: Ballbuster Flu, Commie Crud. Bill O’Reilly wanted to blame Obama for it by calling it the Black Death, but I think that one was already used in the mass suicide during Hurricane Katrina, where all those black people refused to let FEMA help them and instead drowned themselves in New Orleans”.