Let’s face it, Americans eat too much and weigh too much. We cram too much fast food in our faces and spend way too much time sitting on our asses playing video games and watching idiotic reality programs on television. But that’s what it’s all about, right? We have the most kick ass military on the face of the earth and we use it wherever necessary to relieve other countries of their natural resources in order to maintain “The American Lifesytle”. For instance, what are a bunch of heathens in Nigeria going to do with oil revenue? They don’t have SUV’s or big screen TV’s. What good is a 31 year life span if you’re gonna live in a cardboard shack and drink out of mud puddles? We take their oil and put it to good use here in the heartland (sorry, that’s Homeland now). If they sold the oil themselves they’d probably just waste the profits on hospitals and schools and eventually they’d wind up with a standard of living where they would cram too much fast food in their faces and turn into a nation of lard asses.
Being Fat is Good For You